Country/Region: Southern Africa
Partner: Southern African Wildlife College (SAWC)

Training responsible natural resource managers and field rangers plays a pivotal role in conserving, rehabilitating and sustaining wildlife areas. The Southern African Wildlife College graduates are responsible for some of the world’s most biologically important habitats. As a result of their training, they impact biodiversity, governance, wildlife crime, community interventions and local natural resources on which livelihoods and well-being depend. Since its establishment in 1997 over 20’000 people have been trained at the College. Former students can be found working in diverse landscapes across 56 different countries globally and across 127 parks, mostly across Africa.
With Fondation Segré’s grant, the project is aimed at supporting the career development of those already employed in the conservation sector. This grant builds on the previous one awarded by our foundation for the period 2019-2021 (click HERE for more information).
The grant supports in particular students enrolled in two programmes: the National Occupational (previously called Higher Certificate) and the Advanced Natural Resource Management Certificate. A new three-year Diploma is being developed by the SAWC faculty and should be accredited in 2023. This Applied Natural Resource Management diploma will in future replace the Advanced certificate which is being offered for the last time in 2022. This new curriculum will include also additional conservation aspects such as: climate change assessment and critical species conservation, regenerative land use, improved counter poaching strategies, responsible resource use and balanced, responsible and resilient community development.