Country/Region: Southern Africa
Partner: Southern African Wildlife College Trust (SAWCT) and the Southern African Wildlife College (SAWC)

Rangers are the foot soldiers of all conservation efforts. They work in protected areas across the world and are tasked with, among other things, ensuring the territorial integrity of these wild places. Fondation Segré values their devotion to preserve endangered wildlife and natural resources and believe that their training is pivotal in the conservation game.
In this respect, we engaged in a new project implemented by Southern African Wildlife College Trust (SAWCT) and the Southern African Wildlife College (SAWC). The goal is to provide the highest standards of training and equipment to men and women employed as protected area managers, natural resource managers and field rangers. The Southern African Wildlife College was established in 1996 and is located within the Greater Kruger National Park, giving students a direct hands-on experience in all aspects of nature conservation during their training.
Two programmes are offered:
- The field ranger training which prepares the students for the task at hand. The training is offered on site at the College, and off site in countries/conservation organisations where the need has been identified.
- The Higher and Advanced Certificate training which is a long-term course to students partly sponsored by the conservation organisation for which they work. The course has a broader scope in developing the right management skills.
In both cases, the graduates will have the necessary skills and the right tools to ensure that Africa’s wildlife and natural resources are protected at their best.