Enhanced Protection at Two of Cambodia’s Most Important Wildlife Sanctuaries

Timeframe: 2021 – 2022
Country/Region: Cambodia
Partner: BirdLife International

Siem Pang and Lomphat Wildlife Sanctuaries in northern Cambodia are important bird and biodiversity areas and amongst the most important remaining sites globally for five Critically Endangered bird species: Giant Ibis, White-shouldered Ibis, Slender-billed Vulture, White-rumped Vulture and Red-headed Vulture. Fondation Segré contributed in 2017 to a project entitled “Protecting the Endangered Ibises of Cambodia” to support the efforts of BirdLife towards the long-term conservation of these species and the improved management of the two sites.

This additional investment offers the opportunity for each site to reach the next level of protection through enhancing their protected area management infrastructure and capacity. The new project will allow BirdLife partners in Cambodia to undertake accurate demarcation of key boundaries and management zones at both sites and to provide rangers with check-posts and ranger stations at strategic points.  Enforcement capacity will be strengthened also through the provision of basic ranger equipment, communications technology and vehicles. These will be the first two protected areas in Cambodia to have their external boundaries demarcated, thus serving as a model for replication at other protected areas in the country.