Protecting the Endangered Ibis of Cambodia

Timeframe: 2017 - 2019
Country/Region: Cambodia
Partner: BirdLife

Range contraction due to habitat loss has resulted in virtually the entire world population of the Critically Endangered Giant Ibis and White-shouldered Ibis being confined to Cambodia. It is estimated that 80% of the remaining global populations of White-shouldered Ibis, and 20% of the Giant Ibis, are located at Western Siem Pang and Lomphat Wildlife Sanctuaries. BirdLife and government partners have worked at these sites for ten years and notable successes have included the recent notification of a wildlife sanctuary at Western Siem Pang. However, at Western Siem Pang Wildlife Sanctuary, White-shouldered Ibis has recently shown reduced levels of nesting success and at both sites continued habitat loss and degradation occurs.

The goal of this project supported by Fondation Segré is to ensure populations of both Ibis species are conserved at both sites. The project has the following three objectives:

  • To increase the number of successful Giant and White-shouldered Ibis nests at Western Siem Pang and Lomphat wildlife sanctuaries by 50% compared to the 2016 baselines
  • To ensure the population of both ibis species at both sites remains stable against 2016 baselines
  • To strengthen the species and habitat protection at Western Siem Pang and Lomphat wildlife sanctuaries