Country/Region: Sulawesi, Indonesia
Partner: WCS

The Indonesian island of Sulawesi has one of the highest levels of species endemism in the world, home to 72 endemic mammal species including lowland and mountain anoa, and babirusa. Despite this exceptional species richness, Sulawesi receives little conservation attention, and over-exploitation drives decline of these iconic species and their habitats due to hunting for illegal wildlife trade and forest conversion to farmland.
WCS has worked in Sulawesi since 1991. Thus, building on its long-term experience and strong partner base, WCS is implementing a new and expanded programme in the 350’000 ha Bogani Nani landscape to conserve one of the largest remaining populations of anoa and babirusa. Fondation Segré is supporting the following project’s objectives
- Reducing major threats to anoa and babirusa across the Bogani Nani landscape through improved enforcement and site management
- Reducing the illegal wildlife trade by identifying major hunters and traffickers of anoa and babirusa operating in the Bogani Nani landscape and urban centres, and facilitate their arrest and prosecution
- Secure at least 21’700 ha of priority anoa and babirusa habitat outside the national park through innovative co-management schemes