Country/Region: El Barta Kenya, Africa
Partner: Grevy’s Zebra Trust
The Grevy’s zebra, one of Africa’s most endangered large mammals, has undergone a catastrophic decline. Once occurring throughout large tracts of the Horn of Africa, Grevy’s zebra are now confined to Kenya and Ethiopia. Over the past 30 years, the population has declined from 15 000 to less than 3 000 with over 90% found in northern Kenya. In El Barta, historically a Grevy’s zebra hotspot, this species’ population has declined to less than 100 animals. In this area, the main threats are poaching, in particular by migrating pastoralists and from warriors who are planning livestock raids and live off wildlife; and scarce water resources.
To address these threats, the Grevy’s Zebra Trust (GZT) initiated the Grevy’s Zebra Ambassador Programme in 2007, which directly engages local communities in conservation. The Grevy’s Zebra Ambassadors are employed from the local communities and provide a grass roots security presence, collect data on Grevy’s zebra and engage the wider community through outreach meetings. In the Laisamis region, GZT carried out dry season water management to ensure that Grevy’s zebra have year-round access to water.
Fondation Segré first contributed to GZT efforts in 2013 with a commitment of one year. In November 2014 and 2016, the Foundation renewed its support for the ongoing operations of the Grevy’s Zebra Ambassador team, ensuring a continued presence in the region dedicated to monitoring and protecting Grevy’s zebra. Fondation Segré’s contribution will also support the activities of the newly constituted El Barta Conservation Council made up by elders and warriors of both ethnic groups living in the region, which will engage migrating communities and warriors through dialogue to address illegal hunting and resource use.
Local Partner: Grevy’s Zebra Trust