Country/Region: Papua New Guinea
Partner: Tenkile Conservation Alliance (TCA)

The Tenkile Conservation Alliance (TCA) is an organisation established in Papua New Guinea (PNG) and Australia. Initially established to save the Critically Endangered Tenkile tree kangaroo from extinction in 2001, TCA has expanded to include the Weimang tree kangaroo, also Critically Endangered and all biodiversity within the Torricelli Mountain Range – Sandaun and East Sepik Provinces in PNG.
TCA has been protecting 185’000 hectares of primary tropical rainforest in north-west PNG and establishing the Torricelli Mountain Range Conservation Area (TMRCA) since 2005. TCA is based in Lumi in the southern boundary of the TMRCA.
The forest is threatened by logging and clearance for mining and oil palm plantations. Over the past twenty years TCA has managed to mitigate these threats by engaging and partnering with local communities to conserve these extraordinary species and enhance livelihoods. TCA works closely with the local landowners, communities and the PNG Government to maximize existing conservation area boundaries in conjunction with hunting moratoriums on tree kangaroos and community development programs.
Funding from Fondation Segré will contribute to ensuring TCA the continuity and success of the ongoing management, protection, improvement and expansion of the TMRCA.