Country/Region: India and Bhutan
Partner: WWF

With protected areas under increasing threat from poaching and human wildlife conflict, the need for adequately trained protected area law enforcement professionals is more pressing than ever. Thus, Fondation Segré is supporting this project implemented by WWF with the overarching goal to improve ranger capacity to better protect the wildlife and habitats in Bhutan and India. WWF is uniquely positioned to fulfil this project due to its wider field presence and influence at both national and provincial level. WWF’s program will focus on developing effective wildlife crime controls modules, aligning and updating training curriculums and training of trainers all as per the training guidelines developed by the International Ranger Federation and as per IUCN global competency ranger standards.
In India, WWF will enhance existing ranger training colleges with support from the Ministry of Environment, Forests & Climate Change (MoEF&CC). They will work with at least eight key colleges from different regions of India representing diverse scenarios of wildlife conservation issues and diverse terrains in India.
In Bhutan, our support will strengthen further this initiative by:
- Training the trainers from Department of Forests and Park Services to deliver new improved modules on wildlife and wildlife crime
- Establishing a monitoring and evaluation system for quality assurance in collaboration with HR department of Department of Forests and Park Services
- Improving field ranger training facilities to effectively address the anti-poaching needs of the time