Country/Region: Mozambique
Partner: Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS)
Niassa Special Reserve (NSR) is located in northern Mozambique and it is the largest protected area of the country, covering 42’530 km2 including a buffer zone. It contains the country’s largest populations of elephants, lions, and wild dogs. Although Niassa was the site of some of the African continent’s most rampant ivory poaching over the last decade, intensive anti-poaching investments led by WCS, and supported by funders like Fondation Segré, have effectively reduced elephant poaching pressure within the Reserve to near zero over the last few years.
In 2020, WCS signed a new 20-year co-management agreement with the Administração Nacional para Áreas de Conservação (ANAC) – the Mozambican government agency responsible for the management of conservation areas – offering to opportunity to roll out standard systems across the whole reserve.
This project scales up our foundation’s support to the landscape level for up to five years and provides help to WCS and partners Fauna & Flora International and Luwire Wildlife Conservancy, to expand law enforcement and management, support and engage the communities living within the reserve and enhance coordination with and among concessions throughout the reserve.
This project will also support the development of a dynamic new data and reporting system that makes better use of data generated from patrols, aerial surveillance and camera traps. The more accurate information generated through this system will enable both Reserve management and its concessions to adapt their practices and policies for maximum conservation impact.