Country/Region: Rwanda
Partner: African Parks

Nyungwe National Park is one of Africa’s largest and oldest protected Afro-montane forests. The park is a place of spectacular natural beauty and has the potential to be an ecotourism destination of global significance. It also feeds two of the world’s largest rivers, the Congo and the Nile, and provides 70% of the Rwanda’s freshwater. Despite ongoing efforts to preserve its natural resources, the park remains exposed to multiple pressures. Encroachment of unsustainable and low-value agricultural practices, wildlife poaching and illegal mining have all increased in recent years.
In October 2020, African Parks signed a long-term management agreement for 20 years with the Rwanda Development Board (RDB). Together, they will work closely with the local communities to implement an effective law enforcement strategy and to restore and protect wildlife for the long-term ecological, social and economic sustainability of the park.
African Parks work will focus on:
- Ensuring that the park has the necessary infrastructure required for effective management.
- Ensuring area integrity through effective law enforcement.
- Promoting conservation and research to understand, track and enhance the park’s flora and fauna.
- Strengthening existing partnerships and developing new relationships with local authorities and regional counterparts in the private sector and civil society.
- Expanding community-based eco-tourism offerings and attract investment to unlock their economic potential.
Funding from Fondation Segré will contribute to the infrastructure development and to the law enforcement activities in the park.