Country/Region: Cambodia
Partner: BirdLife International

Lomphat Wildlife Sanctuary (LWS) comprises one of the largest and most diverse wildlife habitats in Cambodia and has been supported (together with Siem Pang Wildlife Sanctuary) by our foundation through two past grants, the first between 2017 and 2020 and the second between 2021 and 2022. Fondation Segré’s previous support has made a critical contribution towards the long-term protection of LWS and its critically endangered biodiversity.
The project provided funding to scale-up conservation and livelihood programmes at the Wildlife Sanctuary and develop a more sustainable local economy in view of securing sustainable climate financing for Lomphat through a high-quality Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD+) project. BirdLife International and their local partner, NatureLife Cambodia, are putting in place all the necessary measures to secure sustainable climate financing for the long-term, with projected revenues able to fully finance the project for the next 15 years. The REDD+ project development is progressing well and is expected to achieve verification at some point in 2024 with revenues expected to start soon after.
This grant, limited in time and in size, allowed BirdLife to continue patrolling and secure the forest protection activities at Lomphat Wildlife Sanctuary for a period of nine months while third party REDD+ project verification is underway.