Chinko project in Central African Republic

Timeframe: 2016 // 2017
Country/Region: Central African Republic, Africa
Partner: African Parks

Chinko is one of the region’s only remaining strongholds for numerous species in Central African Republic, a country that has lost 95% of its wildlife. This important ecosystem is under tremendous pressure from militarized ivory/bush meat poachers to intense levels of illegal cattle grazing.

In 2014, African Parks signed a 50-year management agreement with the government with the aim of restoring and protecting this landscape through the implementation of sustainable conservation management interventions. To date, they managed to secure 100’000 ha of the area by driving out poachers and cattle herders thanks to effective law enforcement and patrolling. As a result, resident wildlife is coming back to use this safe zone and is starting to display normal habits again, as moving in the daylight and being calmer.

The next step is to expand this safe zone to further 100’000 ha. In 2016 and 2017, Fondation Segré has engaged with African Park in this mission and is supporting the following activities

  • Select, train and recruit new rangers to increase the coverage area
  • Build new forward operating bases for the rangers, consisting of housing, a food ration store, an airstrip and a small communication centre
  • Mount a VHF radio system, allowing the Command Centre to have continuous and instant communications with the patrols in the field
  • Purchase improved equipment
  • Expand the monitoring program to continuously generate data for the management team to be able to evaluate progress