Nos oiseaux

Since 1913, Nos oiseaux works for the protection of and research on birds in the French-speaking part of Switzerland. They are also active in the awareness raising and education of young people through the publication of a magazine highlighting the

African Parks

Founded in 2000 in response to the dramatic decline of protected areas due to poor management and lack of funding, African Parks utilizes a clear, business approach to conserving Africa’s wildlife and remaining wild areas. African Parks is a non-profit

Fondation Prince Albert II

The Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation was established in 2006 to address our planet’s alarming environmental situation. The Foundation is dedicated to the protection of the environment and the promotion of sustainable development by supporting initiatives of public and

Istituto OIKOS

Istituto Oikos is a non-profit organisation that operates in Europe and developing countries to safeguard biodiversity. It promotes a responsible management of natural resources and the widespread adoption of more-sustainable lifestyles as tools for social and economic development and for

Turtle Conservancy

The Turtle Conservancy is dedicated to protecting threatened turtles and tortoises and their habitats worldwide, and to promoting their appreciation by people everywhere. The Turtle Conservancy focuses its work on four strategic program areas, namely conserving species in their natural habitat,

Tapir Specialist Group

The Tapir Specialist Group (TSG), a unit of the IUCN Species Survival Commission, strives to conserve biological diversity by stimulating, developing, and executing practical programs to study, save, restore, and manage the four species of tapir and their remaining habitats

Copenhagen Zoo

Founded in 1859, the Copenhagen Zoo is one of the oldest zoos in Europe. Nowadays, it is not only home to a large number of animals but it is also involved in many different scientific activities and nature conservation programmes at national

IUCN Save Our Species

IUCN Save Our Species supports science-based conservation action that saves animals, plants and fungi from extinction. IUCN SOS also builds capacity for better protected area and habitat management and works with local communities to reduce unsustainable dependency on natural resources

Grevy’s Zebra Trust

The Grevy’s Zebra Trust was established in January 2007 to address the urgent need to conserve Grevy’s zebra(Equus grevyi) in the community rangelands of Kenya and Ethiopia. An independent wildlife conservation Trust registered in Kenya, the Grevy’s Zebra Trust conserves

Fauna & Flora International Vice-President

In January 2014 Fauna & Flora International (FFI) appointed Dr Claudio Segré Vice President of FFI in recognition of the Foundation’s important support and deep friendship with the organisation.

IUCN Patron of Nature

The International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) recognised the Foundation’s continuing support, inviting Dr Claudio Segré to join IUCN’s circle of “Patrons of Nature” in December 2013.

Fauna & Flora

Established over a century ago, Fauna & Flora  was the world’s first international conservation organisation. The pioneering work of its founders in Africa led to the creation of numerous protected areas, including Kruger and Serengeti National Parks. Fauna & Flora’s

Fondo Ambiente Italiano

The Fondo Ambiente Italiano (FAI), a non-profit foundation created in 1975, is the National Trust of Italy. As such, its mission is the conservation and preservation of Italian cultural and historical heritage as reflected in buildings and properties of architectural and

Nordens Ark

Nordens Ark is one of the largest zoological institutions in Sweden. It covers a 383 ha area and houses over 80 endangered species. The institution is involved in the reintroduction of local fauna and a number of field projects among

Rewilding Europe

Based in the Netherlands and supported amongst others by the Dutch Postcode Lottery, Rewilding Europe (RE) wants to make Europe a wilder place, with much more space for wildlife, wilderness and natural processes. Bringing back the variety of life for all

The Whitley Fund for Nature

The Whitley Fund for Nature (WFN) is a UK charity, established in 1994, offering awards and grants to outstanding nature conservationists around the world. Its aims are to cooperate financially with some of the world’s most dynamic nature conservation leaders, to support work

ZSL Honorary Conservation Fellow

The Zoological Society of London (ZSL) granted an important distinction to Fondation Segré in February 2012. Dr Claudio Segré was appointed an Honorary Conservation Fellow of ZSL in recognition of his contribution.

Zurich Zoo

As a conservation centre, Zurich Zoo focuses on eco systems and the protection of species. The zoo is involved with international breeding programmes (EEP, ESB) and, if possible, helps find animals for resettlement programmes. The animals at Zurich Zoo are