Conservation X Labs

Conservation X Labs is an organisation dedicated to innovation and technology in conservation. Their mission is to prevent an impending sixth mass extinction – the first in Earth’s history driven by the actions of a single species: ours.  Project supported

IUCN SSC Asian Species Action Partnership (ASAP)

ASAP is a partnership platform of over 200 organisations with the mission of ending species extinctions in Southeast Asia. Project supported Rapid Action Fund for the Conservation of Critically Endangered Land and Freshwater Vertebrate Species in Southeast Asia

Synchronicity Earth

Synchronicity Earth addresses overlooked and underfunded conservation challenges for globally threatened species and ecosystems. Project supported The Amphibian Conservation Fund

Freeland Foundation

Freeland Foundation’s mission is to protect vulnerable people and wildlife from organized crime and corruption, while revitalizing ecosystems and communities for a more secure world. Their vision is a world free of wildlife trafficking and human slavery. Project supported Protecting


Arulagam was founded in 2002 as a non-profit organisation. Their mission is to conserve flora and fauna – particularly endangered, neglected, less charismatic, and lesser-known species and their habitats – in Tamil Nadu and India in general. Project supported Promoting

Lilongwe Wildlife Trust

Lilongwe Wildlife Trust was established in 2008 to help protect the wildlife and habitats of Malawi. Its mission is to save wildlife, campaign for conservation justice and inspire people to value and protect nature in Malawi. Project supported Tackling Illegal


Noé’s vision is to rebuild a vibrant, sustainable world where biodiversity and humanity co-exist in perfect harmony. As such, its mission is to protect and restore biodiversity for the well-being of all living species including mankind. Project supported Increasing Protection


SHOAL aims to shine a light on freshwater species, preventing their extinction and nurturing the recovery of threatened populations.  Project supported Creating a New Protected Area for Endemic Cichlid Conservation in Lake Tanganyika, Tanzania.


The Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale (ISPRA) is a public legal entity subject to the vigilance of the Italian Ministry for the Environment, Territory and Sea. ISPRA participates in numerous European projects funded by European Union

Fundación Jocotoco

The mission of Fundación Jocotoco is to protect some of the world’s most endangered species by conserving their remaining natural habitats in Ecuador. An emphasis is placed on species and habitats not already represented in Ecuador’s system of national parks

The Peregrine Fund

The Peregrine Fund is a non-profit organization that focuses on conservation and education on birds of prey and their habitats. Project supported Harpy Eagle as a Flagship for Community-based Conservation and Forest Restoration


ICAS – Instituto de Conservação de Animals Wildes is a non-profit organisation dedicated to the conservation of biodiversity in Brazil, which seeks to produce science-based knowledge to dialogue, influence and seek solutions and strategies that promote harmonious coexistence between humans

PAMS Foundation

Founded in 2009, PAMS Foundation is a conservation non-profit with a mission to empower the people who protect wildlife and wild places. Their vision is to enable a world where people understand the value of nature, are supported and equipped

Fundación Omacha

Fundación Omacha is a non-profit organisation committed to sustainable development and conservation of aquatic ecosystems and biodiversity in Colombia. Project supported Protecting Endangered and Unknown Armadillos in the Llanos of Colombia

Salviamo L’Orso

Salviamo L’Orso is a non-profit, volunteer-led association working to save the Marsican brown bear from extinction by appealing to everyone who cares about this unique species and its natural environment. Project supported Marsican Bear Smart Communities

Katala Foundation

Katala Foundation, Inc. (KFI) is a non-profit, non-stock and non-governmental organisation that is active in protecting and conserving wildlife, particularly the critically endangered Philippine cockatoo and other threatened endemic wildlife in the Philippines. KFI’s vision is to effect conservation of